Hexavalent Chromium
Since OSHA lowered the PEL for Hexavalent Chromium in 2008, companies that conduct chrome plating, stainless steel welding, or use Chromate based have had to comply. For those who cannot meet this exposure standard, companies must comply with expensive and time consuming provisions of OSHA 1910.1026. OccuSafe can help companies lower exposures through administrative and engineering controls, better work procedures, and training, and direct them on how to meet the requirements of he Hexavalent Chromium Standard.
OSHA Compliance
If you ever have to deal with OSHA directly because of a complaint inspection or citation, OccuSafe can advise you on the best response. Whether responding to a citation or inquiry, taking corrective action, complying with applicable regulations, or preparing for a hearing, OccuSafe can help.
Monitoring and Testing
When employees are exposed to hazardous substances or physical hazards such as noise, heat, cold, or radiation, it is important that these exposures be evaluated. Part of that assessment may include testing such as air monitoring, wipe sampling, noise dosimeter testing, or heat and cold measurements. Once exposures are quantified, they can be compared to occupational exposure levels to determine if employees are being put at risk. If results are high, controls can be put in place to reduce the hazard. Follow-up and periodic monitoring may be needed to assess if the controls are working and exposures are minimized.
OSHA's New Silica Standard greatly lowers the Permissible Exposure Limit and was enacted to better protect workers from cancer, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney disease. Construction companies must comply with the new rule by September 23, 2017 while General Industry and Hydraulic Fracturing operations must comply by June 23, 2018.